Summer 2024
Westgate Pool Rules
The Westgate Park pool is a fun, family-friendly place. To ensure that everyone has a good time and that the pool stays in good shape, please observe the following rules:
Pool Rules:
All visitors must sign in upon entering pool area and sign out upon leaving per health department guidelines.
No running, rough play, diving, or unsafe activities allowed. NO DIVING!
No spitting, spouting of water or blowing nose in pool. Do not swallow pool water.
No glass containers allowed on the premises, and no food or drink allowed in the pool or within 10 feet of the pool.
No children under 14 years of age without adult (18 years or older) supervision
Children with diapers must wear a swimsuit diaper or plastic pants and a swim suit. Cloth or disposable diapers are prohibited
No cutoffs allowed in the pool
No unattended solo bathing. Children shall not use pool without an adult in attendance. Adults should not swim alone.
No swimming during heavy rain or when thunder and lightning can be seen or heard.
No playing or hanging on the rope. Ropes must be visible at all times.
Shower before entering the water.
Foul language and reckless behavior will not be tolerated.
Smoking is prohibited inside the fenced area.
Do not enter water or swim if you have had diarrhea or other signs of illness within the past 2 weeks.
No animals are allowed in the pool or pool enclosure except for service animals which are only allowed on the deck.
Members may invite another family or friend to join them at them at the pool. If the number of guests exceeds eight, a paid reservation for the pergola needs to be made.
All guests must be accompanied by a paid pool member. Memberships cannot be shared between households. If a person does not legally live with you, they are a guest. Sharing your membership code with others and not accompanying your guests to the pool will result in the suspension of your pool membership.
Please do not park vertically along the left hand side of the parking lot. This makes it difficult for cars backing out and cars that park there often get stuck. Getting into a fender bender is the perfect way to ruin your fun pool day. DO NOT park to the left of the handicapped parking sign or in front of the gate.
Please park in an orderly fashion in the spots that are available. If the parking lot is full, please park in the church parking lot and make the short walk to the pool. If you park incorrectly, a member of the pool committee will ask you to move your car.
Large inflatable floats are not allowed at the pool.
Water guns and other squirting toys are not allowed at the pool.
DO NOT move pool furniture.
Watch your children. The pool is NOT a babysitter.
Other Considerations
Please thoroughly clean (and dry) any toys, floats, shoes, bathing suits, etc. that have been used in a lake or pond as these are sources of harmful algae that can reek havoc with maintaining the clarity of the pool.
Please be considerate of others and be mindful of the number of people in the pool area. We want everyone to have fun, use discretion and good judgement. Throwing toys may be fine when few people are present, but not appropriate when the pool is crowded.
Please do not come to the pool if you are sick or showing signs of illness. Same goes for children, please do not bring children who are sick or showing signs of illness to the pool.
If possible, maintain social distancing. Respect the privacy and space of others.
Pool rules apply at all times and are for your safety and protection.
All members and guests are responsible for knowing and abiding by the rules of Westgate Park Pool.